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Sky started training in Chinese Wushu and Kung Fu at age 14. The proverbial "90lb weakling," it took little time to reach the distinction of worst student in his class. Yet a tiny voice told him not to be a quitter. Upon reading Matthew Polly's novel "American Shaolin," he took it upon himself to learn Mandarin in hopes of someday training in China. That dream came to fruition when he received a full scholarship to the Capital Institute of Physical Education in Beijing. There he trained under Wushu champion Zhao Qing Jian; during that time he also took a one month sabbatical to train with Shaolin monks in the Henan Province, where the rigorous mountain training resembled Rocky IV, only smellier.


In addition to captaining the USC Wushu and Tae Kwon Do teams, Sky has won titles including Grand Champion at the Long Beach International Karate Championships, Gold Medal at the Shaolin Temple International Cultural Festival, Grand Champion at the Orange County Open, and numerous others.

Performing in Jiaozuo, China
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